(Hamburguesa casera de 180g de carne 100% vacuna, con pan de cristal tostado y patatas fritas para acompañar)

(Home made hamburger, 180g of 100% beef meat, with toasted glass bread and french fries as garnish)

HAM iberica1, ÍBERICA  (180g de carne 100% vacuno, jamón ibérico, queso manchego, cebolla caramelizada, tomate y lechuga) (180g of 100% beef meat, Iberian Prosciutto, manchego cheese, caramelized onion, tomato and lettuce) 11,95

HAM original2, ORIGINAL  (180g de carne 100% vacuno, queso, lechuga, cebolla caramelizada, huevo frito y mayonesa ) (180g of 100% beef meat, cheese, lettuce, caramelized onion, egg and mayonnaise) 10,95

HAM yankke3, YANKEE  (180g de carne 100% vacuno, bacón, queso cheddar, cebolla caramelizada, lechuga, tomate y salsa barbacoa) (180g of 100% beef meat, bacon, cheddar cheese, caramelized onion, lettuce, tomato and BBQ sauce) 10,95

HAM cabri4, CABRÍ  (180g de carne 100% vacuno, cebolla caramelizada, lechuga y queso cabra a la plancha) (180 g of 100% beef, caramelized onion, lettuce and grilled  goat cheese) 11,95

HAM pollo5, POLLO  (Pechuga de pollo rebozado almendrado crujiente frito, bacón, lechuga y salsa yogurt) (Crispy fried chicken, almond battered; bacon, lettuce, and yogurt sauce) 10,25